UTH Florida University has a grievance policy for students who feel that they are victims of discriminatory practices or harassment of any kind. The grievance policy is also intended for students who are dissatisfied with any other academic or administrative aspect of the school activities.
To lodge a complaint, a student must notify the issue in writing to the Admissions Director, stating the student’s name, contact information, and a description of the matter causing the grievance. Immediately after the claim has been received, the Admissions Director will initiate the appropriate investigation. Students who have lodged a claim will be informed about the progress of the investigation within seven (7) days from the moment the claim has been received. Once the investigation has been completed, the complainants will be notified about the final determination.
If anyone filing a complaint is not satisfied with the final decision, the complaint may be submitted to the Commission for Independent Education, Florida Department of Education at the following address: