All courses at the graduate level are taught utilizing the case method, which immerses the students in actual situations faced by real enterprises and requires students to derive and propose solutions which must be defended among alternatives presented by other students. This method involves active student participation and stimulates the development of critical thinking.
The case method is taught as a diagnostic tool to be used in analyzing problems and recognizing patterns. It is designed for students to learn from the instructors as well as other students in an environment that promotes sharing collective experiences and unique points of view.
Within the discussion of each case, specific business tools are taught and applied to the situation under analysis. Students are required to analyze a problem, develop solutions, consider alternatives, and choose an action path. Decisions are shared with other students and defended in open discussion, stimulating group cooperation, communication skills, and critical analysis of all alternatives.
The recommendations of each student are shared with the other students and defended in open discussion, which stimulates group cooperation, develops communication skills and critical analysis of alternatives.