Students are expected to meet specific standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress (“SAP”) while working toward a degree at UTH Florida University. Students will be evaluated for academic progress at the end of each term. The satisfactory academic progress policy measures three factors:

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1. Qualitative Measure (Cumulative GPA): Graduate students must maintain a cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.0 or higher for all credit hours attempted to remain compliant with SAP Policy. This amounts to a “B” average. The grade of “W” has no effect on the student’s cumulative grade point average.
2. Quantitative Measure (Credit Hour Progression): Students must complete at least two thirds (67%) of the credit hours attempted each two consecutive eight-week academic periods to remain compliant with SAP Policy. Credit hour progression will be based on a cumulative total ratio of attempted hours to earned hours. For example, a student who enrolls for 12 term credit hours is required to successfully complete a minimum of 8 term credit hours (12 x 67% = 8) for the term. Successful completion is granted to grades B and above. Students that receive a C are considered “passing” but not “successfully completing”.
3. Maximum Attempts or Timeframe to Complete a Graduate Degree: Students are allowed a maximum number of attempts equal to 150% of the length of the program to complete a program. For example, when pursuing and graduate degree program that requires 14 courses equivalent to 42 credits, students will reach the allowed maximum number of attempts after attempting 21 courses equivalent to 63 credits. The student will be withdrawn once it is determined that he/she exceeded the allowable maximum number of attempts. Transferred credits for accepted coursework will be counted in the maximum number of attempts. Students can repeat a course, but the credits will also be applied toward the maximum number of attempts.
Repeat Coursework
UTH Florida University allows a student to repeat a poor or failed course once and permits only the last grade to count in the grade point average. A poor or failed course is one in which a student receives a “C” or “F”. The policy does not remove the previous grade from the student’s record but eliminates the effect of that grade on the cumulative GPA by removing it from the computation. The repeated course will be included in the attempted credit hours when calculating maximum number of attempts to complete the program.
Categories of Academic Progress:
SAP Warning: A student will be placed on SAP Warning at the end of an eight-week academic period for which the satisfactory academic progress standards outlined above have not been met. This status is only available for students making satisfactory academic progress in the prior academic period. A SAP Warning can be issued for a maximum of two consecutive academic periods. If during the SAP Warning period the student meets satisfactory academic progress, the student will be removed from SAP Warning.
SAP Probation: A student will be placed on Academic Probation for not meeting the standards outlined above for a third consecutive eight-week academic period. A student may appeal this designation. The student appeal must include the reasons for which the student failed to meet SAP and an argument stating what has changed that will allow the student to make SAP at the next evaluation. If the appeal is approved, the student will be allowed to remain on probation until the completion of the next two consecutive eight-week academic periods. As a result of a successful appeal, the student will be placed on an academic plan designed by an instructor which must be followed. If after one term, the student is meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress, the student will be removed from SAP probation.
Academic Suspension: A student on probation who fails to obtain a minimum GPA of 3.0 on the most recently completed eight-week academic period, and whose cumulative GPA is below 3.0, will be suspended for not meeting the academic standards outlined above. Suspension may result in dismissal from the University.
SAP Terminology
“Attempted” means all credit hours for which a student is enrolled and has remained enrolled after the add/drop date.
“Successful Completion” of a course is defined as a passing grade (A, or B for graduate level). Grades of “W” (withdrawn), “C” (poor), and “F” (failing) are not considered successful completion. A grade of “I” (incomplete) is not considered a successful completion until the course has been completed and the new grade has been officially received and recorded.
A “Withdrawal” or grade of “W” is given when a student drops a course after the add/drop date at the end of the first week of the eight-week academic period, irrespective of whether the student attended the course or not. Withdrawn courses are counted towards the maximum number of attempts allowed.
An “Incomplete” or grade of “I” is a temporary grade which may be given at the instructor’s discretion to a student when illness, necessary absence, or other reasons beyond the control of the student prevent completion of course requirements by the end of the academic term. Students will have two weeks from the term’s end date to complete coursework. Otherwise, the grade will convert to F. Incomplete courses are counted towards the maximum number of attempts allowed.
“Transfer” credits are counted toward the student’s current program as both attempted and completed credit hours to calculate the maximum number of attempts allowed to complete a program.
The University does not provide proficiency credits, noncredit courses, or remedial courses. Therefore, this type of credit is not considered part of the student’s satisfactory academic progress.

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